नमस्कार छात्रों, आज की पोस्ट में हम BSEB Class 12 English Book Poetry Chapter 2 Song of Myself Line by Line Explanation, Question answer & Summary Rainbow part 2 देखने जा रहे हैं, इस अध्याय से संबंधित सभी प्रश्न, उनके उत्तर इस लेख में मिलेंगे ताकि आप आगामी परीक्षा के लिए बेहतर तैयारी कर सकें। बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न उत्तर उपलब्ध होंगे |
जिससे आप अपनी तैयारी अच्छे तरीके से कर पाएंगे, नीचे दिए गए सभी प्रश्न उत्तर आपके Rainbow part 2 सिलेबस पर आधारित हैं, इसके अलावा यदि आप बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं अंग्रेजी, हिंदी, विज्ञान जैसी कोई भी जानकारी चाहते हैं। आप हमें किसी भी विषय पर टिप्पणी कर सकते हैं, हम उसे नोट्स पीएफ के माध्यम से आपके लिए अवश्य साझा करेंगे।
HIGHLIGHT POINT ( Song of Myself )
“song of myself” में walt whitman स्वयं का जश्न मनाते हैं। कविता का वक्ता न केवल अपने लिए बल्कि पूरी मानव जाति के लिए बोलता है, प्रकृति के अनुभव के आनंद और आश्चर्य की प्रशंसा करता है।
- इस बावन भाग की कविता में, walt Whitman मानव शरीर और उसकी स्वयं और प्रकृति के साथ एक होने की क्षमता का जश्न मनाता है।
- वक्ता दर्शाता है कि स्वयं और शरीर का मिलन वास्तव में एक उत्कृष्ट अनुभव की अनुमति देता है।
- यह जुड़ा हुआ आत्म एक साथ प्रकृति के साथ एक होने और प्रकृति से अलग खड़े होने में सक्षम है। आत्मा सभी चीजों के साथ विलीन हो सकती है और सभी चीजों का अनुभव कर सकती है, और इसमें कई बदलाव होंगे।
“सॉन्ग ऑफ माईसेल्फ” वॉल्ट व्हिटमैन की एक कविता है जो उनके काम लीव्स ऑफ ग्रास में शामिल है। इसे “व्हिटमैन की काव्य दृष्टि के मूल का प्रतिनिधित्व करने” के रूप में श्रेय दिया गया है।
Class 12 English Text book poetry, summary of song of myself by Walt Whitman
The song from Walt Whitman’s literary classic “Song of Myself” becomes a tribute that celebrates the essence of self and the connecting fabric of all humanity This poem, which accompanies the collection “Leaves of Grass ” ho is a self-titled song, revealing its intimate connections that connect all of Neti, including nature, material life, spirituality, and various people woven into rich fabric.
Whitman introduced himself and said he was willing to abandon existing ideas and institutions and embark on a solo journey. He articulates a sensory experience in which he enjoys the smells around him and avoids being overwhelmed. Instead, he faces the world naked and tries to connect with nature.
Whitman rejects discussions of beginnings and endings, preferring to focus on the present moment and present experience. He emphasizes the “desire” of the world, the call to be present and to participate in life. He says that although he understands the things of the world, these do not have things of their own.
In the realm of poetry, the wordsmith establishes a profound dialogue between body and soul, a passionate invitation to the soul for a peaceful union with the natural world This harmonious relationship is seen as divine peace source, it unites mankind as one, creates sacred bonds as the quilt of brothers and sisters.
Also included in the book are Whitman’s comments on the value of wilderness as a symbol of personal and communal experience and how it connects the living and the dead He sees death as a different and more interesting event than most people.
Whitman describes a woman who sees children children on the beach who.
Bihar Board Class 12 English Song of Myself Questions and Answers
A. Work in small groups and discuss these questions
Q. 1. How will you express your feeling when you feel delighted?
Answer: I laugh and sing.
Q. 2. Which type of song do you like to sing?
Answer: I like to sing a song that appeals to my heart.
Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Very Short Type Questions and Answer
B. 1. 1. Read the following sentences and write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements
(a) The poet enjoys himself and sings for the self.
(b) The speaker is different from others.
(c) The poet discards nature’s beauty.
(d) Every atom of blood is the same in all human beings.
(e) The poet is associated with a particular school of thought.
(f) The poet has overcome his greed.
Answer: (a) T, (b) T, (c) F, (d) T, (e) T, (f) T.
B. 1.2. Answer the following questions briefly
Q. 1. Who is the speaker in this poem?
Answer: Walt Whitman is the speaker of this poem.
Q. 2. How old is he?
Answer: He is thirty-seven years old.
Q. 3. Why does the speaker use ‘you’ twice?
Answer. The speaker uses ‘you’ twice to press on a similarity of blood in all human beings.
Q. 4. What is meant by ‘Nature without check with original energy’?
Answer: Harbour and Hazard are meant by Nature without check with original energy.
Q. 5. What is the theme of the poem?
Answer: The theme of the poem is a reflection of individualistic thought. It gives the message of the oneness of human beings.
Q. 6. How does the speaker establish a relation between ‘me’ and ‘you’?
Answer: The speaker establishes the relation between ‘me’ and ‘you’. He says that our parents are the same and our blood is similar.
Q. 7. What does he observe in summer?
Answer: He observes a spear of grass.
Q. 8. What has formed the speaker’s blood?
Answer: The soil, the air and the birthplace formed the speaker’s blood.
Q. 9. What does he hope to do?
Answer:He hopes to do the work which he wants to continue till death.
Q. 10. What does he want to do with creeds?
Answer: He wants to know the system of thoughts with creeds in abeyance.
Q. 11. What does he want to speak about?
Answer: He wants to speak at every hazard.
C. l. Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Long Answer Question
Q. 1. Give a summary of the poem.
Answer: See summary.
Q. 2. What similarities does the poet draw between two human beings?
Answer: Walt Whitman’s” poem speaks of the similarities between human beings. The poet wishes to show that humans are the alike in many ways, as they behave in the same way. Their blood is identical. All things are the same in humans of all kinds
Q. 3. Explain the line ‘Hoping to cease not till death’.
Answer: The line ‘Hoping to not stop until death’ indicates that the writer Walt Whitman does not want to die. He recognizes that there are people who fight over different religions. He hopes to improve the scenario through his efforts. There are a lot of thoughts about religion in his head. He has expressed his views in the form of “hoping to cease not till death”.
Q. 4. Comment on the subjectivism (Personal feeling) in the poem?
Answer: The poem “Song of Myself” was composed by writer Walt Whitman. The poet reveals his own self in the poem. He has never thought anything untrue regarding religious beliefs or systems of thought. He is very upset when he sees an individual fighting with another human who is only interested in the sake of religion. However, there is nothing to fight about in these situations. It is like a sling which causes pain in humans. Additionally, it causes discomfort when he hears of fighting with people the same way in regards to religious beliefs.
Q. 5. Why does the poet not want to bother himself with “Creeds and Schools”
Answer: Poetry does not like to get involved about “Creeds and schools” because the poet is a believer in the religious tolerance. His mind is completely free of this concern. He recognizes that there are many different religions and systems of thought across the globe. Yet, he doesn’t think about it. He is aware that everybody is identical in every circumstances. Children born to different parents do not have any difference between them, and they are alike in every way. Their blood is identical.
Q. 6. What does the poet mean by ‘Nature without check with original energy’?
Answer: The poet means to say “nature without check with original energy” which means that is a belief in both good and bad things in life, and prefers to talk about any risk or worry, which is his dream to conquer through the natural world, free nature and unrestricted energy.
C. 3. Composition
Write a short essay in about 150 words on the following
(a) Religion does not teach hatred.
Everyone who is bom, is not a member to any particular religion, however the moment he is born, a specific religion will recognize him. It’s a matter of faith and relief for people who belong to different religions. People tend to cherish and admire his faith. He is very devoted to his faith. If someone from a different religions try to harm his feelings by speaking ill of his religion, and then tries to harm or cause destruction the person is shattered. He is prepared to defend his faith since he is convinced that his life is at risk. He is determined to defend his religion from the attacks of his adversaries. But this is something that is not recommended.
Because every person is bound by religion, one must strive to be respectful of different religions. All religions should be treated in a similar way. It is important to respect everyone. Each religion teaches you to cherish your family, your country and all the people. It will never instruct you to kill someone who belong to a different religion. Every human being as a brother. Anyone who is fighting with another for the sake of his religion do not follow their faith. He is trying to deceive the doctrines of the religion. If we wish for others to accept our beliefs,, we must also be taught to respect the other’s religion.
(b) Life is a grand battle.
Answer: Life is a wonderful challenge. A person who has a confident mind and a strong body is willing to take on the challenge. He’s not afraid. Life is a mix of a variety of difficulties. It’s often claimed that life isn’t the perfect romantic bed. This is very accurate. Human beings are constantly all the time working hard to conquer these challenges. Since the beginning of time we’re born, in a fight for the survival. The world is a grand battle however this does not necessarily mean the world is an arena. that we’re the troops. Battle-field is by difficult situations which must be managed with care. We must be as soldiers who are prepared to react in any scenario and to save ourselves. We shouldn’t be afraid of facing challenges. Anyone who is able to face the challenges with a strong determination to succeed will and always moves forward in life. People like these are resilient physically, mentally and emotionally. In other words, life is a battle for the ages. Take on it, beat it, be happy about in it, and work to bring joy to you and your loved ones.
D. Word Study
D. 2. Word-formation
Read the following lines carefully
Hoping to cease not till death Retiring back a while
In the above lines, ‘hoping’ and ‘retiring’ are derived by adding ‘ing’ to ‘hope’ and ‘retire’ respectively.
Ex. 1. Select five words from your day-to-day life and add the suffix ‘ing’ to them to form new words.
Golden Series Passport

D. 3. Word-meaning
Ex.1. Write the antonyms of the following words and use them in your sentences:
perfect cease hope permit original
perfect — imperfect — Ram is always imperfect in his books,
cease — starts — Life starts at the age of 40.
hope — hopeless — Gita is a hopeless girl,
permit — refuse — I refuse to do this work,
original — xerox — I want to xerox of my mark sheets.
E. Grammar
Ex.1. Read the following line from the poem:
1 celebrate me and sing myself
In the given line ‘myself is a reflexive pronoun which has been used twice. Its usage in both the clauses is different. In the first clause, it is a reflexive pronoun, but in the second, it is objected to a verb (‘sing’).
Supply related reflexive pronouns in the following list:

Ex. 2. Construct meaningful sentences with the help of the following verbs. Do not forget to use ‘reflexive pronouns’ after the verbs; for, these verbs are always followed by them:
enjoy serving absent help control
enjoy — We enjoy ourselves very much.
serve — They are happy to serve themselves.
absent — He got absent himself.
help — One should always help ourselves.
control — He has controlled himself.
Comprehension Based Questions with Answers
1. Read the above extract poem and answers the questions that follow: [B.M. 2009 A]
I celebrate myself, and«ing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
for every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
I loafe and invite my soul,
I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass My tongue, every atom of my blood, from this soil, this air,
Bom here of parents, bom here from parents the same, and their parents the same,
I now thirty-seven years bid in perfect health begin,
(a) Who is “I” in the first line of the poem?
(b) What the speaker says about himself?
(c) What thing he hopes from other persons?
(d) Why he expects so from others?
(e) What he does for his own satisfaction?
(f) What similarities does he find between his and other’s parents?
(g) How old is he now?
(a) “I” in the first line of the poem is the poet “Walt Whitman” himself.
(b) The speaker, who is the poet himself expresses that he celebrates as well as sings himself.
(c) He hopes from other persons that whatever he adopts or take for guranted, they should also undertake the same.
(d) He expects so because according to him that every atom which he possesses, it present with them also.
(e) He wanders free from cares and anxieties. He also invites his soul.
(f) He observes that his parents and parents of others have got similarities and fundamentally there is no difference between them.
(g) He is now thirty-seven years old.
2. Read the above extract poem and answers the questions that follow: [B.M. 2009 A]
Hoping to cease not till death,
Creeds and schools in abeyance,
Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are, but never forgotten,
I harbour for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard,
Nature without check with original energy.
(a) What does he hope for himself?
(b) What are the things he wants to forget?
(c) What are those things which are sufficient but unforgettable?
(d) To whom the speaker relies upon?
(e) What does the speaker mean in his expression? “Nature without check with original energy.”
(a) He is hopeful of not to cease till death. He thinks to move ahead as long as he is alive.
(b) He wants to forget the religious beliefs and systems of thought for a temporary period.
(c) Religious beliefs and system of thought are sufficiently enough and they cannot be forgotten.
(d) The speaker believes in both good and bad aspects.
(e) The speaker wants to say that harbour and hazard is meant by Nature without check with original energy. –
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