Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Solutions Chapter 2 Bharat is My Home

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Rainbow English Book Class 12 Solutions Chapter 2 Bharat is My Home

Rainbow English Book Class 12 Solutions Chapter 2 Bharat is My Home

Check the topics covered in Chapter 1 before starting your preparation. Improve your grammar skills with the help of Bihar Board Class 12 English Chapter 2 India is my home PDF links. Bihar State Board Class 12 English Textbook Solutions are prepared by English experts. So, if you follow Bihar Board Class 12 English Textbook Solutions then you can cover all the topics in Chapter 2 India is my home. It helps in improving your communication skills.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Bharat is My Home Text Book Questions and Answers

Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Objective Type Questions and Answers

1. Name the author of the prose piece “Bharat is my Home[Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
(a) Bertrand Russell
(b) Dr Zakir Hussain
(c) Shiga Naoya

Answer: (a) Bertrand Russell

2. “Bharat is my Home” is the description [Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
(a) about the religion of India
(b) about the distress of the country
(c) about his pledge to the service of the totality of India’s culture

Answer: (c) about his pledge to the service of the totality of India’s culture

3. Dr.Zakir Hussain took the oath as [Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
(a) Prime minister
(b) Chief of the army staff
(c) President of India

Answer: (c) President of India

4. Name the author of the following prose piece [Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
(a) Bharat is My Home
(b) A Pinch of Snuff
(c) The Earth

Answer: (a) Bharat is My Home

Bihar Board Class 12 English Very Short Type Questions and Answer

Question 1. On what occasion Dr.Zakir Hussain expressed his view through his address, “India is my Home”? [Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
Answer: Dr Zakir Hussain expressed this view after taking oath as President of India.

Question 2. What does he expres in his speech he delivered after taking the oath of the president of India? [Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
He pledges himself to the loyalty of our past culture.

Question 3. What is the idea of Dr.Zakir Hussain about education? [Sample Paper 2009 (A)]
Answer: In Dr Hussain’s opinion about education is that it is a prime instrument of National Purpose.

Question 4. What did Dr.Radhakrishnan bring to the Presidency?
Answer: Dr.Radhakrishnan brought to the presidency mental equipment, a degree of learning and wealth of experience rarely to be found anywhere.

Question 5. What oath did Dr.Zakir Husain take of?
Answer: Dr.Zakir Husain took the oath as President.

Question 6. What is the business of education?
Answer: The business of education should be the growth of national culture and national character.

Question 7. What did Dr.Zakir Husain pledge himself to?
Answer: Dr. Zakir Hussain pledged himself to be loyal to the culture of our past. He promised to serve the culture of our country holistically. They pledged their allegiance to their country regardless of religion or language. The whole of India is his home. Therefore, he resolved to work for the welfare of the people of the country.

Question 8. What does ‘Work one’s self mean? What is its end product?
Answer: ‘’Working on oneself means working for the person. Work on oneself is to follow urges toward moral development as a free individual and under self-imposed discipline. Its end product is an independent moral personality. We should not lose sight of our end product.

Question 9. What shall we dedicate ourselves to?
Answer: We will dedicate ourselves to work for the peace of a strong nation. According to Mahatma Gandhi, power should be used only for moral purposes.

Question 10. When was Dr.Zakir Husain born?
Answer: Dr. Zakir Husain was bom in 1897.

Question 11. How long did Dr.Zakir Husain live?
Answer: Dr.Zakir Husain lived for 72 years. He was born in 1897 and died in

Question 12. On what occasion did Dr.Zakir Husain deliver this speech?
Answer: Dr.Zakir Husain delivered this speech in 1967 after taking the oath as president of India.

Question 13. Why does Dr. Zakir Husaine call India “the young State of an ancient people”?
Answer: Dr. Zakir Hussain called India “the young kingdom of the ancient people”. This is because our past is not dead and still. If alive and moving. Our ancient culture is alive and we can build our future based on the blessings of our ancient people.

Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Textual Questions and Answers

Write ‘True’ or ‘False’

Question 1. Read the following sentences and write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for

(i) Dr.Radha Krishnan did not bring to the Presidency a mental equipment and degree of erudition.
(ii) According to Zakir Hussain, Dr.Radhakrishnan never Lost his faith in the essential humanity of man.
(iii) Dr.Zakir Hussain was of the opinion that the process of constant renewal of our past is, indeed the process of growth of national culture and national character.
(iv) Dr.Zakir Hussain did not pledge himself to the Loyalty of our past culture.
(v) Dr.Zakir Hussain stressed upon the need to follow the urge towards moral development as a free person.
Answer: (i) False (ii) True (iii) True (iv) False (v) True.

Question 2. Read the following sentences and write ‘T’ for True and ‘F* for false statements

(i) I have just taken the oath of nationality to the constitution of India.
(ii) Dr. Zakir Husain was a great nationalist.
(iii) The individual can grow in full perfection without a corresponding advance of the collective social existence.
(iv) The past is dead and static.
(v) We can neglect the end-product only at our peril.
(vi) This dual effort wall gives to the life of our state a special flavour.
Answer: (i) False (ii) True (iii) False (iv) False (v) True (vi) True.

A. Work in small groups and discuss the following

Question1. Charity begins at home.
Answer: This famous saying means that the first duty of a person is to take care of his family. This is true to a great extent. How will we be able to help and care for others if we don’t get our house in order? Therefore one must first improve oneself and one’s family before thinking about helping others.

Question 2. The entire world is a family.
Answer: In old times people did not think beyond their family or tribe. But our ancestors preached that the whole world is one family. This means that we should be generous and love every human being irrespective of caste, colour, creed or nationality. Today its relevance is greater than ever. Today the world is like a village. We are all neighbours. We must live like a family to promote peace and love. If we live as one family there will be no war and no hatred.

Question 3. Individual and family are interdependent
Answer:There can be no doubt that individuals and families are dependent on each other. The family takes care of each member. With the support of family a person can achieve full height. But a family is made up of one person. Every person should take care of the family so that the family is healthy, united and prosperous. Family is like our body and its various parts are its members. Each organ contributes to the development of the body, and the body nourishes each organ.

B. 1.1. Complete the following sentences on the basis of the lesson:

(a) Dr.Radhakrishnan never lost his faith in
(b) Dr.Radhakrishnan always championed.
(c) Dr.Zakir Husain entered the office of the President in a spirit of
(d) According to Dr.Zakir Husain, the value remains
(e) according to Dr.Zakir Husain The value remains
Answer: (a) the essential humanity of man, (b) the right of tall men to live in dignity and with justice, (c) prayerful humanity and dedication, (d) eternally valid, (e) primary instrument of national purpose.

B. 1.2. Answer the following questions briefly 

Question 1. What did Dr Radhakrishnan bring to Presidency?
Answer: Dr Radhakrishnan brought to the office of the President a rare degree of learning and wealth of experience. He had a firm belief in the essential humanity of man, the right of all men to live in dignity with justice and oneness of all true spiritual values.

Question 2. What oath did Dr Zakir Husain take off?
Answer: Dr Zakir Husain was elected as the President of India. He took the oath of loyalty to the Constitution.

Question 3. What is the business of education?
Answer: According to Dr Zakir Husain, the business of education is constantly to renew the process of growth of national culture and national character.

Question 4. What did Dr Zakir Husain pledge himself to?
Answer: Dr Zakir Husain committed himself to the service of the totality of India’s culture. He pledged to serve the people and work for their welfare irrespective of religion, language, caste, colour or creed.

Question 5. What does ‘work on one’s self mean? What is its end-product?
Answer: Work on oneself means to follow the urge towards moral development as a free person under self-imposed discipline. Its end-product is a free moral personality.

Question 6. What shall we dedicate ourselves to?
Answer: We should dedicate ourselves for the improvement of ourselves to serve the society for a better, a juster and a more graceful way of life.

Question 7. When was Dr. Zakir Husain bom ?
Answer: Dr Zakir Husain was born in Hyderabad in 1897.

Question 8. How long Dr. Zakir Husain live?
Answer: Dr Zakir Husain died in 1969. He lived till he was seventy-two years old.

Question 9. On what occasion did Dr Zakir Husain deliver this speech?
Answer: Dr Zakir Husain was elected the third President of India in 1967. He delivered this speech after taking the oath of the office of the President.

Question 10. Why does Dr Zakir Husain call India “he young state of an ancient people”?
Answer: India is an ancient civilization. The history of their people goes back thousands of years. But it is a new state born after India gained its independence in August 1947 and became a republic on 26 January 1950.

C. 1. Bihar Board Class 12 English Long Answer Questions

Question 1. ‘This work, as I see it, has two aspects”. What are the two aspects of the works ? Explain in your own words.
There are two aspects of work (i) individual work and (ii) social work. According to the author, personal work means working on oneself. This type of work is to follow the urge towards moral development as an independent individual and under self-imposed discipline. Its end product is an independent moral personality. On the other hand, social work is work for the surrounding society. Without social support a person cannot develop fully. Therefore, we must engage wholeheartedly in the two aspects of the work.

Question 2. What did Dr Zakir Husain say about material and cultural life, individual and social development giving Special flavour to India?
Answer: Dr.Zakir Husain in his speech has said about material and cultural life, individual and social development in India.

  • Material and cultural life: Regarding the material life of our people, the author says that we should work more and more, our work should be silent, sincere, solid and steady. Regarding our cultural life, the author is sincere. He says that our culture is alive and dynamic. Our past culture is inherited by our ancient sages right from Aadipurush, Mannu to St. Tulsidas. It is still alive and progressing day by day.
  • Individual and social development: “Regarding individual and social development, Dr Zakir Husain, says that both individual and social development of our country is co-related to each other. For individual development there are two types of work. One work for personal benefit both financial and moral. But for ‘ two type of personal gains one must go to society. The author says that the individuality can not grow in full perfection without social help.

Question 3. ‘Power should be used only for moral purposes’ Explain.
Answer: Power plays a major role in human society, the power of manpower of the society and the power of the state are the main types of power. According to Mahatma Gandhi, power should be used only for moral purposes. If a strong person is engaged in work then there is peace. Regarding state power, the author says that for us the state will not be just an organization of power but a moral organization. Therefore, the moral objective of power is necessary for the all-round development of the society.

Question 4. ‘The past is not dead and static’. How does Dr.Zakir Husain emphasises the significance of past?
Answer: According to Dr. Zakir Hussain, the history of our past has great importance. We should pledge allegiance to our past culture. We should not focus on where our previous culture came from and who brought the culture.

The important thing is that our past glory is very valuable. Our past glory and culture is the foundation on which the development of our national culture and national character depends. Therefore, the author is right in saying that our past history is not dead and static. It is still alive and dynamic today. Our prospects for the future depend on the importance of the past.

Question 5. What does Zakir Husain exhort us to do to build the new life of the nation?
Answer: In his speech, the author has tried his best to advise us to work hard to build a new life for the nation. For them our country is a big family. We are continuously moving forward very fast. We will have to participate in building its new life.

He advises the people of India not to sit idle. Our work for the country is difficult, but we should not despair. He says that the situation of the country demands from us work, work and more work, silent and honest work, for a solid and stable reconstruction of the entire material and cultural life of our people.

Question 6. In what context does Dr.Zakir Husain say ‘Bharat is my home’.
Answer: In his presidential address, Dr. Zakir Hussain expressed his national sentiments. He loves his nation. He says that he is dedicated to loyalty to the culture of our past. He also promises to work for the development of our ancient culture. He pledges to work for the strength and progress of the nation and the welfare of its people without discrimination of caste, color and creed.

He says that “the whole of India is my home and the people here are my family.” He is proud to be a citizen of India. He says that it is the greatness of the people that they have chosen him to be the head of this family. He resolves to make his home ‘India’ strong and beautiful. He will make people’s lives prosperous and beautiful. The author’s strong sense of nationalism is clearly expressed here. Zakir Hussain was a great nationalist.

C. 3. Composition

Write a paragraph in about 100 words on each of the following:

(a) Write a summary of Dr Zakir Husain’s speech in about 150 words.

Answer: Dr. Zakir Hussain calls India a young state with an ancient civilization and culture to which all the ethnic groups of India have contributed. He pledges to maintain the eternal values felt by the people for thousands of years. He pledges to serve all people irrespective of caste, creed, language and religion. He believes that the process of development of national culture and national character is continuous, and education is a major means of national purpose because the quality of character depends on the quality of education.

He says that the task of rebuilding the physical and cultural life of the people demands honest and steady efforts. For this, every individual should develop himself as a moral personality through self-discipline, and then serve the society to achieve a better, fairer and more beautiful society. He supports Gandhiji’s idea that power should be used only for moral purposes.

(b)Write a short essay in about 150 words on ‘Unity in diversity’.

Answer: ‘Unity in diversity’ is a special feature of India. It is an ancient land whose culture and civilization has evolved over thousands of years. Although many ethnic groups live in India, this ancient civilization binds them all together. India is a vast land. It has many different geographical and climatic zones. There are snow covered hills and mountains called Himalayas.

Then there is the dry and sandy desert of Rajasthan. The south, surrounded by the sea, has a hot climate. Bengal and Gujarat are very different. Due to climate and local conditions, people’s clothing and food habits and lifestyle are as diverse as possible. Languages are very different. There is no relation between Hindi of the North and Kannada and Tamil of the South. Yet India is strongly bound to ancient values, civilization and culture. There is unity in diversity.

(c) Write a speech to be delivered on Teachers’ Day justifying the celebration of Dr Radhakrishnan’s birthday as Teacher’s Day.

Answer: Dr. Radhakrishnan has been the President of India. When asked how he would like to celebrate his birthday, he replied that it could be celebrated as Teachers’ Day, in fact Dr. Radhakrishnan considered himself a pioneer teacher. He was Professor of Philosophy at the University of Calcutta and later at the University of Oxford. He was the first Indian to be appointed as a professor there. He has been the Vice Chancellor of Andhra University and Banaras Hindu University.

He was also the President of UNESCO. Indeed he was one of the greatest teachers of whom India can be proud. Dr. Zakir Hussain also greatly admired him and appreciated his contribution as a teacher. According to him, Dr. Radhakrishnan dedicated his life to the pursuit of knowledge and truth. He explained Indian philosophical thought to the world. Dear friends, I think we are happy that on this Teacher’s Day, when we honor one of our teachers, we also remember the great teacher and son of India, Dr. Radhakrishnan.

(d) You have been elected as the President of your school’s Student Council. Make a diary entry about changes you propose to introduce for the betterment of your school.


3rd April, 20.

Dear Diary,

Today I am happy. I have been elected president of the student council. I am planning to improve the school. There is no proper arrangement for drinking water. I will keep some fresh water containers at different places. This will make it easier for students to get water and there will be no crowd. There is no canteen in our school. During recess, students go out and buy food items from hawkers. There will be a canteen in my school. ,

There are very few newspapers and magazines in our library. I will introduce some more magazines. Our school organizes very few debate/quiz competitions. I will organize more inter-house competitions.

The school toilets are very dirty. Till then see that they are cleaned regularly.

D. 1. Dictionary use

Ex. 1. Correct the spelling of the following words


Wrong WordsCorrect Words
Overwelmed Overwhelmed
Errudition Erudition

Ex. 2. Lookup a dictionary and write two meanings of the following words—the one in which it is used in the lesson and the other which is more common.

brought: (i) come with (him) (ii) caused to be in a state or position
degree: (i) amount feeling or quality (ii) the course of study in a university
enter: (i) come into a place (ii) become a member of an organization
dead: (i) no longer living (ii) complete or absolute (silence)
renewal: (i) starting again (ii) extension of time for which it is valid

D.2. Word-formation

Read carefully the following sentences taken from the lesson…………the word ‘renewal’ is derived from the adjective ‘new* by adding a suffix ‘-al’ and a prefix ‘re-‘ to it Point out which words the following are derived from:

renewal — new
myself — my
totality — total
constantly — constant
building — build

D. 3. Word-meaning

Ex. 1. Match the words given in column A with their meanings given in column B :

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
Requisite Necessary

Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives: new special dual long prayerful

(a) Dr.Zakir Husain entered the office in a spirit of……………. humility.
(b) It is a Constitution of a…………… state.
(c) The choice of this office has been made due to…………….. association.
(d) This…………….. effort will give to the life of our state a flavour.
Answer; (a) prayerful, (b) new, (c) long, (d) special, dual.

D. 4. Phrases

Ex. 1. Read the lesson carefully and find out the sentences in which the following phrases have been used. Then use these phrases in sentences of your own.


(a) the pursuit of : He works day and night in pursuit of excellence.
(b) bring to : Please bring the matter to the notice of the Principal immediately.
(c) approximation of : The account is given by the witness was an approximation of the truth.
(d) bring forth : Our new Principal has brought forth many remarkable improvements.

E. Grammar

Read the following sentences from the lesson carefully
I must confess that
I can only assure you that

Mark the use of modal auxiliaries * ‘must’ and ‘can’ – in the sentences given above.

Ex. 1. Find out other modal auxiliaries used in the lesson and tell the specific meaning in which these modal auxiliaries have been used.


must — bound to
can — be capable of
may — possibility
I may be forgiven — please forgive me.

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About the author

My name is Najir Hussain, I am from West Champaran, a state of India and a district of Bihar, I am a digital marketer and coaching teacher. I have also done B.Com. I have been working in the field of digital marketing and Teaching since 2022

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