जो छात्र कक्षा 12 अंग्रेजी उत्तर की तलाश में हैं वे Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Solutions Chapter 1 Indian Civilization and Culture PDF प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। पहले जांचें कि आप किस अध्याय में पीछे हैं और फिर कक्षा 12 अंग्रेजी के लिए अध्यायवार बिहार बोर्ड सॉल्यूशंस प्राप्त करें। छात्र बिहार राज्य बोर्ड कक्षा 12 समाधानों की मदद से समाधानों को हल करके आत्मविश्वास बना सकते हैं। यदि आप अपने व्याकरण कौशल में सुधार करते हैं तो अंग्रेजी एक स्कोरिंग विषय है। क्योंकि अधिकांश छात्र व्याकरण की गलतियाँ लिखकर अंक खो देंगे।

अपनी तैयारी शुरू करने से पहले अध्याय 1 में शामिल विषयों की जाँच करें। Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Solutions Chapter 1 Indian Civilization and Culture PDF की मदद से अपने व्याकरण कौशल में सुधार करें। बिहार राज्य बोर्ड Class 12 English Book Solutions अंग्रेजी विशेषज्ञों द्वारा तैयार किए जाते हैं। इसलिए, यदि आप Bihar Board Class 12 English Book Solutions का पालन करते हैं तो आप अध्याय 1 भारतीय सभ्यता और संस्कृति के सभी विषयों को कवर कर सकते हैं। यह आपके संचार कौशल को बेहतर बनाने में मदद करता है।
Indian Civilization and Culture Summary in Hindi and English
Indian Civilization & Culture is an essay, which has been written by the Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948). In this essay, Gandhi Jee described about the feature of Indian civilization and culture. The ancient civilization of Greece, Rome, Egypt and China are gone but Indian civilization is still secure.
प्रस्तुत पाठ भारतीय सभ्यता और संस्कृति एक लेख है, जिसे राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गाँधी है। इस लेख में, गाँधी जी ने भारतीय सभ्यता और संस्कृति के विशेषता को के बारे में व्याख्या किया हुआ है। यूनान, रोम, मिश्र और चीन की सभ्यता समाप्त हो गई लेकिन भारतीय सभ्यता अब तक सुरक्षित है।
Indian civilization is based on good conduct. It points out the path of duty and teaches us to uphold moral principles. He says that our civilization does not depend on multiplying our wants. But upon restricting wants self-denial.
भारतीय सभ्यता अच्छे आचरण पर आधारित है। यह कर्तव्य के पथ पर चलने तथा नैतिक सिद्धांतों को पकड़े रहने की शिक्षा देता है। वह कहते हैं कि हमारी सभ्यता अपनी चाहतों को बढ़ाने पर आधारित नहीं है। यह आत्म-त्याग पर बल देता है।
He says that our civilization cannot be beaten in the world because we are following the path that our ancestors made for us. Gandhi Gee says that mind is a restless bird the more it gets the more it wants and remains unsatisfied. So we should control our desire.
वह कहते हैं कि हमारी सभ्यता को दुनिया में कोई भी नहीं हरा सकता है क्योंकि हमलोग अपने पूर्वजों के द्वारा बनाए हुए रास्ते पर चलते हैं। गाँधी जी कहते हैं कि मनुष्य का दिमाग एक बेचैन चिड़िया है। इसे जितना ही मिलता है उतना ही चाहता है, फिर भी असंंतुष्ट रहता है। इसलिए हम सभी को अपने इच्छा को संतुष्ट करके रखना चाहिए।
At last, Gandhi Jee says that we should not adopt modern civilization because modern civilization is based on worship of the material
अंत में गाँधी जी कहते हैं कि हमें आधुनिक सभ्यता नहीं अपनाना चाहिए क्योंकि आधुनिक सभ्यता वस्तुओं के पुजा पर आधारित होती है।
BSEB Class 12 Rainbow English Book Solutions Chapter 1 Indian Civilization and Culture
A. Answer the following questions orally
Q. What do you know about Gandhiji?
Ans:- I’ve known Gandhiji in the form of Bapu in addition to Mahatma. Being the father of Nation he’s often referred to as Bapu. The name Mahatma is used to describe him. Mahatma because he was a brilliant soul, or saint. Gandhiji was the founder of the Indian nationalism movement in opposition to British rule. To accomplish his goals the Gandhiji adopted Satyagraha along with non-violence. Gandhiji began his work with the people of South Africa where he was repeatedly detained to protest against the oppression of Indians. Gandhiji’s fight was long and hard, but tranquil.
After 1942, Congress with the help of Gandhiji initiated Gandhiji’s Quit India Movement which ultimately set the stage for India’s independence. The world has acknowledged his methods that he used to achieve Satyagraha in non-violence and Satyagraha. He has been named Man of the Millennium.
Q. What exactly did Gandhi do for farmers of Bihar?
Ans: This was due to the struggles of the farmers who grew indigo that led Gandhiji his home to Champaran in the year 1917. British landlords had large property in Champaran. Indigo cultivation was lucrative for them, but a nightmare to their Indian farmers. British landlords were exploitation of the poor farmers living with constant terror. Gandhiji went to Champaran and studied their issues and stood up for their rights. He began a type of non-violent struggle. Farmers from Champaran came together around Gandhiji. Gandhiji helped them escape their exploitation as well as anxiety about the British rulers.
Question 3. What do you think of by culture and civilization?
Ans: Civilization is the stage of development of a society. The social, political and legal system are all part of their culture. The term “culture” refers to the traditions beliefs, practices and methods of living that they have been handed down to their people. Culture and civilization in reality, are inextricably linked.
Question 4. What can the holy scriptures reveal about the universal human values?
Ans: Our holy scriptures speak to us about the truth and renunciation. They also tell us that the real happiness is found in spiritual pursuits, not the materialistic pursuits.
B. 1.1. Answer the questions below based on the information you’ve learned
- (a) The glory of India is the fact that it
- (b) A charge antagonist India is that
- (c) We cannot alter what is already in place.
- (d) The ancestors of our ancestors established an upper limit on our indulgences due to
- (e) Our predecessors didn’t invent machinery due to
Response: (a) is indestructible, (b) her people are inconsiderate, uncivilized and insular, (c) we have examined and discovered some hues on the anvil of the experience of others, (d) more we get caught up in our desires more, the more untamed they get, (e) If we created machines, we’d become the slaves of our own and loosen up morality.
B. 1.2. Respond to the questions below concisely
Question 1. What do you think Indian civilisation different from European civilization?
AnswerEuropean civilisation is guided by texts from Greece and Rome that no longer exist in their glory of the past. However, Indian civilization is steadfast. It is a path our forefathers tested by the tests of their own experience and found to be reliable and long-lasting. Indian civilization is not dependent on any external help.
Question 2. What is the reason Gandhiji declare that the mind is a bird that’s restless What is the reason? What is it that makes the mind go on a limb?
AnswerGandhiji claims that the mind is wandering bird because it never gets satisfied. The more you get it, the more it craves.
Question 3. What was the reason our ancestors were able to dissuade us from pleasures and luxuries? Did they act in the right way?
AnswerOur grandparents swore off comforts and luxury since they don’t bring joy. The more one consumes them, the more unhappy he gets. Our ancestors were doing the right thing as they discovered that even wealthy people are unhappy and many people in poverty are content. In reality, happiness is the state of mind. It doesn’t depend on money.
Question 4. What, according to Gandhi has our society stuck using the same plough that existed for thousands of years ago? Should we be doing exactly the same thing today?
Answer Based on Gandhiji We stayed with the method that was in use hundreds of years ago due to the fact that we didn’t want to join in with the other competitors. The way we lived was our basic lifestyles. Happiness and health are derived from our feet and hands. However, I don’t believe it’s right to use the same methods in the present. If we continue to use the same old method now, we won’t be able to provide food for our one billion inhabitants. Additionally our survival in today’s world is almost impossible.
Question 5. What was the perception of our ancestors on big cities? What made them feel satisfied?
Answer:Our ancestors could already see the dangers that were growing in large cities. They were aware that in large cities, gangs of thieves and robbers, prostitutes and other vices are commonplace, while wealthy individuals rob poor people. Thus, they were happy with the small towns.
Question 6. What did our ancestors do to enjoy the true Home Rule?
AnswerOur grandparents followed basic occupations and remained independent. This is why they had real Home Rule.
B. 2. Respond to the next questions in a concise manner
Question 1. What, according to the file author, is a modem civilization?
Answer Based on Gandhiji Modem civilization is a religion that worships the materialistic, violent and brutal.
Question 2. What message did the author send to his countrymen in the file about how to deal with modern civilization?
AnswerGandhiji states that the main goal in Indian civilisation is uplift the moral person, while the Western civilization is to promote immortality. He urged his fellow citizens to remain loyal to their culture but to stay away from the modern civilization at all cost.
Question 3. What is the distinctive characteristic of modern society?
AnswerAccording the writings of Gandhiji indefinite the number of human desires is the distinctive characteristic of a modern society.
Question 4. The author saw danger in modern civilization. How?
AnswerGandhiji thought that technological advances of modern civilization were so enthralling that They were able to give. If they weren’t resisted We would trade our permanent goods for short-term enjoyment.
Question 5. What is the author’s preference to materialistic thinking?
AnswerThe writer prefers the spiritual path over materialism.
Question 6. What is our civilization based on?
Response:Our society is not dependent on a soaring demand, rather, on limiting them.
Question 7. What is civilization in the actual sense?
Answer The real meaning civilization is the conscious, voluntary limitation of needs.
C. l. Bihar Board NCERT Class 12 English Book Long Answer Questions
Question 1. “I believe that the culture India has created is not to be beat by anyone else in the world. What exactly does Gandhi intend by his statement? Do you agree with his ideas?
AnswerGandhiji was convinced that the civilisation that has evolved in India is based upon a solid base. Our ancestors tried the foundation based on their own experience and found it accurate. Indian civilization has endured the tests of time. Egypt is a mighty strong civilization. It’s lost its splendor. It’s gone. The same is true for the huge Roman and Greek civilizations. They’ve lost their previous fame. Japan has been influenced by western culture. Europeans are influenced from Greek as well as Roman writers and believe they can avoid the mistakes these writers made. However, Gandhiji doesn’t believe that he’ll be able to accomplish this.
In relation to Indian culture, Gandhiji says that the people around the world believe that people from India are not willing to change their ways to accommodate new ideas. However, Gandhiji doesn’t see it as an issue. This is our strength since our civilization is superior and enduring. We don’t require any guidance from anyone. I am in agreement with Gandhiji’s point of point of.
Indian civilization is many thousands of years old and it is still in full force. The philosophies of our ancestors is into our blood. However, I believe that Indian civilization is highly flexible. It is able to easily integrate the ideas of other civilizations yet still move ahead with great speed. It is this that makes Indian civilization so attractive and strength of Indian civilization.
Question 2. “The mind is a frenzied bird. The more it grows, more and more but it is still not satisfied. Find other metaphors in this essay. How can these metaphors assist Gandhiji in convincing the readers?
Answer In addition to this analogy , ‘The mind is the bird that is always on the move The mind is a flitting bird’, Gandhiji has also used other metaphors. He has not just enriched the language, but also boosted the persuasion power. Imagine an animal. It drinks and eats, but it is unhappy. As a bird, he fly to find more food. The mind of ours is similar to this. It’s like a discontented or hungry bird. He is always seeking more, and is never satisfied. This is a metaphor that makes it easy to grasp the subtle notion of human discontent. Everyone can grasp this. But Gandhiji uses a different metaphor.
We have tested it and found that it stands the test of time.’ One can picture that a blacksmith pounding the piece using an anvil with a hammer. If a thing is sturdy and well constructed, it won’t break. Our society is similar to this. It’s easy to comprehend this. Gandhiji is also adamant that our shaky and tethered civilization is the foundation of our hopes. This is a lovely analogy. A huge ship in the sea stays stable during an avalanche because of the anchors of its sheet. This is a metaphor Gandhiji has firmly stated that only our society will allow us to survive and overcome all sorts of difficulties and mishaps.
Gandhiji calls big cities traps. This metaphor is simple to comprehend. As animals suffer from being caught in traps, so too innocent citizens in cities are stuck by the webs of evil and sly people. So, we must stay away from large cities.
Question 3. “A man may not be content because he’s rich or unhappy due to his poverty. Rich people are generally thought to be unhappy, and the less fortunate to be content. What is it that, according to Gandhi is the most important factor that determines true happiness? How would Gandhi define happiness? ‘?
Answer Based on Gandhiji that happiness is an attitude. The wealth and the luxury of life don’t make people content. The wealthy aren’t always content, and the less fortunate are not always sad. Comfort and luxury often become a burden, and can cause physical and mental pain. The people who work are happier and have greater well-being and satisfaction than those who work for machines or other people. In the process of pursuing our desires, we are less content. That’s why our ancestors were able to limit our luxuries and indulgences. Controlling our emotions is the secret to happiness.
Question 4. What made our ancestors at peace with the small village? Did they follow the right path? Do you think it is wise to follow in this regard ? Tell us your opinion.
Answer The ancestors of our time believed in the simplicity of life and high-thinking. He was aware that if we focus on the material things, we’ll be unable to maintain our moral pillars. They didn’t intend to create machines. Small villages were home to people and ran their own business and made regular incomes. Rural life was not influenced by the pressures of competition. The ancient people were aware of the dangers of urban lifestyle.
There are many sins such as prostitution and gambling. Exploitation takes place. I am a pawn for the rich and the poor. There are thieves and robbers. The villages were liberated from these vices and evils. Thus, they were content with their small towns. I believe that he was doing the right thing.
We are witnessing increasing numbers of people are heading toward cities. There is a huge crowd. There is no water for the residents to drink nor a proper place to live in. Slums are being built rapidly. They are populated by people living in horrific conditions. All the vices and evils that Gandhiji spoke of are in the present. The city is attracting people due to two reasons.
The first issue is that there are fewer opportunities available in the villages. People do not get employment. traditional businesses are no longer useful. In addition, it is the enchantment of urban life that attracts those who live there. The person soon gets depressed and is unable to return to his home village. We must make sure that we are doing the right balance. Villages must be developed in order to ensure that people make a decent living. People will then think less of moving to cities.
Question 5. Discuss the negative aspects of the western civilization.
Answer Western civilisation put greater emphasis on progress in materialism over spiritual understanding. He devoted his time and energy to physical works. He’s tried to provide the comforts of life to people, and effectively. In fact, his scientific breakthroughs and ingenuity are astonishing even to this day.
The world is thankful for it’s West for making their lives easy. However, all of these developments have largely ignored the essence of man. This means that the need for material pleasures is inexhaustible. This puts more load on the “planet”. The need for material wealth has fueled man’s greed. The people of developed nations are becoming increasingly dependent upon machines. The planet isn’t enough to keep up with their ever-growing demands. In the present, Western scientists are drawing an unimaginative future for humanity. Pollution, global warming destruction of the ozone layer, and many other threats to our world. The ever-growing demands of our western civilization is the reason for this chaos.
Question 6. What is the main differentiator between Indian civilization and western civilization? What is the difference between our civilization and that of to western civilization?
The primary distinction that exists between Indian civilisation in comparison to Western culture is that it’s one of nature and not of in terms of degree. The main difference is similar to the difference between clay and body as well as between spirit and matter. Western civilization seeks to live in perpetual satisfaction, Indian civilization sets limits to happiness. Western civilization has discovered the benefits of material goods; Indian civilization has tried to find the essence of the soul and its eternal happiness. Indian philosophers discovered it to be more valuable than the body.
Therefore, his research found ways to enhance the soul and mind. However, western civilization was completely ignorant of this aspect. He was a fan of luxury and comfort. Naturally, our society is better since it is not limited to the material luxury. However after a certain point, they become an inconvenience instead of a pleasurable experience. The more comforts and luxury we enjoy as we age, the more we desire these things. We didn’t experience any joy. We can still achieve happiness through a conscious choice to avoid the pleasures of life.
Question 7. A certain amount of harmony and comfort is essential, however above an amount, it can become a hinderance instead of helping. Please elaborate.
Answer: Man has both an organ and a soul. It is clear of the fact that souls are the most important. It is a part of the body. Without the body, the soul can’t attain anything. If we are looking to elevate our spirit, we must to put in the effort. If we wish to contribute to humanity, we can’t accomplish this until our body is healthy and has some relaxation.
It is impossible to make the most effective usage of our energy when we are not comfortable. So some amount of physical rest is required. But being a slave to conveniences will make us less moral. There should be a certain degree of harmony and peace in our bodies. If there isn’t a limit, indulgence with desires will turn into an unavoidable burden and even a hindrance. Man will be unable to be of any benefit for himself or society.
C. 2. Group Discussion
Talk about the information below topics in pairs or groups;
Question 1. ‘Truth and non-violence have been among the greatest weapon of the human race.
Answer It has been major wars during which most deadly weapons were employed. Many people were killed and cities were destroyed. Yet, nothing can be gained from these conflicts. They could be able to kill and take captive individuals, but they could not even win one soul. However, there were individuals who have been like Buddha as well as Jesus Christ.
He did not employ any weapon. He did not harm anyone. He didn’t destroy any homes. He has, however, captured empires as well as me and thousands of hearts. His weapon was that of love and truth. The empire continues to exist to this day. Gandhiji had a weakness person. He was a stick-wielder who did not even use to intimidate anyone. He commanded an army non-armed citizens and fought the batons and bullets of policemen from the British police. But he still prevailed. His weapon was his most powerful weapon – non-violence and truth.
Question 2. High-thinking is not compatible with high-quality living.
AnswerExceptions can be seen in a few places and there, but it’s generally evident that high thoughts can’t be equated with high-living. People with high-minded thoughts think that living a lavish life is pointless. Naturally, they want to live the life of a minimalist. The saints and saints of our time who sought the absolute truth lived a simple existence. However, those who are privileged are not able to contemplate the truth.
All of the greatest ideas, literature, and thought that exists today has come from those who led in simple ways. The richest person in history has never been able to make a significant contribution to the world. We have many examples of individuals who gave up their possessions to the world and lived lives of holiness. Buddha abandoned his kingdom and Tolstoy offered his land to spread his wisdom.
C. 3. Composition
Make a short paragraph of approximately 100 words on each of the following:
(a) The true worthiness of a man is not in his possessions, but in who he is.
Ans. Many people believe they will be more respected within the community. If they have more money. However, he believes this is an error as money can come in many different ways and the majority of them aren’t reputable. Wealth can be derived from inheritance and winning jackpots, as well as fraud, smuggling, robbery and a myriad of other illegal and unlawful methods. These methods do not can make one a great person. However, those with integrity and wit are valued. India has a long-standing tradition of celebrating holy ascetics and saints. Even the most wealthy men bow to him. The character and the loyalty of a man are what makes an individual exceptional.
(b) The highest point and the most prestigious of all is character.
Ans. Character is what gives the inner shine to men. Wealth and possessions are not what make someone excellent. In times of need the wealth alone will not inspire confidence in a person and his character is what helps one to confront misfortune with grace. Wealth and property can make people shine like sunlight rays that fall on the window. When the sun sets and the sun shines, it only when there is a light inside.
A person may appear good when he is rich. But his true worth is revealed when he is unable to pay. The fact is that character not only is what makes a person great, but also a nation is great when it has people and women who have solid character.
D.1. Dictionary use
Ex. 1. Correct the spelling of the following words
Wrong Spellings | Correct Spellings |
Disuaded | Dissuaded |
Ocupation | Occupation |
Votries | Votaries |
Imorality | Immorality |
Unadulterated | Unadultrated |
Matariaslism | Materialism |
Beleif | Belief |
Madning | Maddening |
Engrev | Engrave |
Harmoney | Harmony |
Ex. 2. Use a dictionary to find a definition and draw two meanings from the following
terms-the word in which it is utilized in the course and the other that is more commonly used.
Answer: reason:
(i) the faculty of rational argument
(ii) the motive or a cause
(i) an opinion or a judgment
(ii) the method of thinking
(i) deficiency
(ii) desire; need
(i) downfall; destruction
(ii) an unfinished or collapsed building
(i) the imitation
(ii) A single example of something
D. 2. Word-formation
Take note of the next sentence in the class.
Each had his own profession.
In the above sentence, the word ‘possession’ which is an abstract term is derived by the verb “possession”. Then, find abstract nouns in the following verbs and include the words (abstract nouns) in your sentences.
- Convert to conversion
- Perform – perform
- defin – definition
- Thank you for your time – I am delighted
- educate – – education
- observe observe
Sentences –
- convert: Please tell me the formula for conversion of Fahrenheit temperature to centigrade temperature.
- Performance: Sunita’s performance on the stage was highly appreciated,
- Definition: What was Gandhiji’s definition of Satyagraha?
- pleasure It was an absolute pleasure to listen to classical music
- educational: Education should be accessible to everyone.
- observation Newton displayed a sharp ability to observe.
D. 3. Word-meaning
Ex. 1. Learn the meanings of the words in the lesson that have meanings been explained in the column A. The final part of every word is listed in column B.
Column ‘A’ | Column ‘B’ |
A person who was related to someone to someone who was born a long time years ago | Ancestor |
Of One’s Homesland | Indigenous |
Being a burden to | Hindrance |
To spread Ideas ideas, beliefs, etc. | Propagate |
Slow-witted | Stolid |
Advise Against | Dissuade |
Exchange of goods, property. | Barber |
Ex. 2. Incompletely fill in using appropriate terms (gerunds) in the provided list of living thinking, writing and bartering insane
(i) Pragya’s text isn’t extremely read.
(ii) (iii) The officers were unable to not manage the crowd.
(iii) (iii) We risk losing the good that is eternal for a short-term pleasure.
(iv) Gandhi always believed in simplicity
(v) Amandeep’s thought was very (v) Amandeep’s was quite.
000 Answer:- (i) writing, (ii) maddening, (iii) bartering, (iv) living, (v) thinking.
D. 4. Phrases
Ex. 1. Take the time to read the lesson thoroughly and look up the sentences in which following phrases were utilized. You can then use these phrases in your own sentences:
Be content, feel at home to, be a believer in, hold on to but in vain.
satisfied to: We are unhappy because we’re not happy with the things we have.
can be used to suit: The climate of Bihar is not ideal for the cultivation of apples.
Believe to: God is my belief. God.
Don’t cling to old-fashioned customs
In vain It was a struggle in unsuccessfully to convince him to stop smoking.
E. Grammar
Ex. 1. Complete the sentences below using the correct variants of the verbs in brackets:
(a) Indian civilization has ……..it been around for a long time. (keep)
(b) I have seen here the ancient India is ……….. (live)
(c) (c) ………… many items derived from western literature (borrow)
(d) (d) We’ve moved ………… west for a long time, (copy)
(e) Arya did…………. so, (speak)
(f) Nehru had…………. numerous letters to his daughter who was in prison, (write)
00000Answer:– (a) kept, (b) living, (c) borrowed, (d) copying, (e) speak, (f) written.
Ex. 2. Study the following paragraph from the course.
The mind is a frenzied bird. The more it is enticed by, the more it will get. Mark the usage of double comparatives in the preceding sentence. Write 10 sentences of your own choice following this pattern.
- The higher we climb the higher we go, the cooler it gets.
- The more hard he worked the harder he worked, the more he improved.
- As you go on spending, more are able to.
- The more loud she cried, the more hoarse she became.
- The higher her earnings the more she can spend.
- As we continued to wait, longer it took.
- The more the sun sets the more hot it gets.
- The more he ate, more fatter he got.
- The further he walked, more desperate he got.
- The more you put in the more success you can accomplish.
- The higher his earnings more, the less money he used.
F. Activity
Students are able to create it on their own.
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