My Grandmother’s House Poem Line by Line Explanation best Notes Solutions

नमस्कार छात्रों, आज की पोस्ट में हम BSEB Class 12 English Book Poetry Chapter 10 My Grandmother’s House Poem Line by Line Explanation in Hindi & English , Summary & Question Answer Rainbow part 2 देखने जा रहे हैं, इस अध्याय से संबंधित सभी प्रश्न, उनके उत्तर इस लेख में मिलेंगे ताकि आप आगामी परीक्षा के लिए बेहतर तैयारी कर सकें। बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न उत्तर उपलब्ध होंगे

जिससे आप अपनी तैयारी अच्छे तरीके से कर पाएंगे, नीचे दिए गए सभी प्रश्न उत्तर आपके Rainbow part 2 सिलेबस पर आधारित हैं, इसके अलावा यदि आप बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 12वीं अंग्रेजी, हिंदी, विज्ञान जैसी कोई भी जानकारी चाहते हैं। आप हमें किसी भी विषय पर टिप्पणी कर सकते हैं, हम उसे नोट्स पीएफ के माध्यम से आपके लिए अवश्य साझा करेंगे

My Grandmother’s House Poem Line by Line Explanation

Kamala Das

KAMALA DAS (b. March 31, 1934), poet and short story writer, has earned a respectable place in both English and Malayalam literature. Her autobiography, published in 1976, created quite a stir.

In 1984, she was short listed for the Nobel Prize for literature. Her important volumes of verse in English include Summer in Kolkata (1963), Sirens (1964), The Descendents (1967), The Old Playhouse and other Poems (1973), The Anamatal Poems (1985), Only Saint Knows How to Sing (1996), and Yes Allah (2001).

Kamala Das’s poetry is primarily autobiographical and her theme is love of a lonely heart – love with never ending passion, lust, greed and hunger that never satiate. She is known for sexual adventures in her writings: for her, love hardly ever goes beyond sex and lust – which even reaches the point of nausea, and is reborn again and again with new vigour.

Kamala Das reveals a commendable mastery of phrase and control over rhythm .The words are often painted and the rhythm is marvellously, almost feverously, alive.

कमला दास,कवि, और लघु कहानियों के लेखक ने अंग्रेजी और मलयालम दोनों साहित्य में एक सम्मानजनक स्थान प्राप्त किया है। उनकी आत्मकथा 1976 ई० में प्रकाशित हुई, जो हलचल मचा दिया। 1984 में, उन्हे साहित्य में नोबेल पुरस्कार के लिए शार्ट, निस्ट (चयन) किया गया था। (लेकिन इन्हें नोबेल पुरस्कार नही मिला था।) उनकी अंग्रेजी की रंचनाएँ समर इन कलकत्ता, साइरन्स, द ओल्ड प्लेहाउस, एण्ड उदर पोएम्स, द एनामेटल पोएम्स, ओन्ली संत नोज हाऊ टू सिंग और यस अल्लाह शामिल है।

कमला दास की कविताएँ मुख्य रूप से आत्मकथात्मक होती है। और उनकी थीम (विषय-वस्तु) अकेलापन दिल का प्यार है- कभी खत्म नहीं होने वाला प्यार, वासना, लालच और भुख जो कभी संतुष्ट नही होता है। वह आदमी रचनाओं में सेक्सुअल रोमांच के लिए जानी जाती है। उनके लिए, प्यार सदा सेक्स और वासना से परे होता है, जो नफरत तक भी पहूँच जाता है और नये जोश के साथ फिर दोबारा जन्म लेता है।

कमला दास ने लय पर वाक्यांश और नियंत्रण की एक सराहनीय महारत का खुलासा किया। शब्दों को अक्सर चित्रित किया जाता है और लय अद्भुत रूप से, लगभग बुखार से, जीवंत होती है।


There is a house now far away where once I received love. That woman died,
The house withdrew into silence, snakes moved

Among books I was then too young
To read, and, my blood turned cold like the moon.
How often I think of going
There, to peer through blind eyes of windows or
Just listen to the frozen air,
Or in wild despair, pick an armful of
Darkness to bring it here to lie
Behind my bedroom’s door like a brooding
Dog … you cannot believe, darling
Can you, that I lived in such a house and
Was proud, and loved …
I who have lost

My way and beg now at strangers’ doors to
Receive love, at least in small change?

यहाँ से बहुत दूर एक हार है, जहाँ मैं एक बार
प्यार पायी थी। वह महिला मर गयी।
उस घर में सन्नाटा छा गया है। साँप घूमनें लगें हैं।

जब मैं बहुत छोटी थी, किताबों के बीच पढ़ती थी।
और मेरा खुन चन्द्रमा की तरह ठंडा हो गया।
मैं वहाँ कितनी बार जाने के बारे में सोंचा।
खिड़कियों के बंद आँखों से देखने के लिए या
बस रूकी हुई (ठंडी) हवाओं को सुनें
या जंगली मायूशी में, मूट्ठी भर अँधेरा उठाकर यहाँ
लाकर एक विचारमंद कुत्ते के जैसा मेरे
बेडरूम के पिछें रख दूँ।

मेरे प्रिय तुम विश्वास नही कर सकतें, क्या तुम कर सकते हों कि मैं ऐसे घर में रहती थी और मुझे गर्व होता था और प्यार पाती थी मैं जों अपना रास्ता खो चूकी हूँ और प्यार पाने के लिए अजनबीयों (अपरिचित) के दरवाजे पर अब भीख माँगती हूँ। कम-से-कम छोटे बदलाव में ?

My Grandmother’s House Text Book Questions and Answers

B.1. Write T for true and F for false statements 

(a) The woman of the house is alive.
(b) The snakes were seen in the house.
(c) The speaker read the books with great interest.
(d) The speaker wished to peep through the window.
Answer: (a) F (b) T (c) T (d) F

B. 2. Answer the questions briefly 

Question 1. Who is “I” in the second line of the poem?
Answer: “I” is the speaker (the poet) “Kamala Das” in the second line of the poem.

Question 2. Where did the speaker once receive love?
Answer: The speaker once received the love in a house where she lived with her grandmother in the past.

Question 3. Why did the house go into silence?
Answer: The house went into silence because the woman who used to live there was dead.

Question 4. Why was the speaker unable to read the books?
Answer: The speaker was unable to read the books because at that time she was too young to read.

Question 5. Why did the speaker often wish to go to that house?
Answer: The speaker often wished to go to that house because in that house she felt her grandmother’s memory. Her grandmother lived there and died in the house. She also lived with her grandmother in her childhood days.

Question 6. Why was the speaker proud of living in that house?
Answer: The speaker was proud of living in that house because in that house she received love for a long time. For love, she moved, but she got it in her old house.

Question 7. Why does the speaker say that she has lost her way?
Answer: The speaker said that she had lost her way to receive love at that time at stranger’s door, at least in small change.

Question 8. Is the speaker satisfied with her present life? If not, why?
Answer: No, the speaker is not satisfied with her present life because at present she lost her grandmother and the house where she received love.

C. 1. Long Answer Questions

Question 1. How does the speaker describe the condition of her grandmother’s house? Does it resemble to the house of any of your acquaintance?
The speaker who is the poet of this poem has written about the condition of her grandmother’s house. She has described that the condition of her grandmother’s house is in a hopeless condition. She told that the windows of the house where the grandmother used to live were too short that air and sound could not come. The condition of the doors is also almost pitiable and at any time it may fall down (collapse).

It produces a sound like a barking dog when it is opened or closed. It is all due to negligence owing to the death of her grandmother. It is also because she (the speaker) does not live there. The house is vacant. No, it does not resemble to the house of any of my acquaintance at all as it (the house) is in most poor condition.

Question 2. What type of love or relation do you find, between the grandmother and the speaker?
The relation between the grandmother and the speaker was very cordial and nice. She was living with her grandmother when she was a child. She loved her grandmother very much and was also loved by her. She loved her so much that she did not go anywhere to live when she was young. She did not like to leave her alone. The love between the speaker and her grandmother was immense.

Question 3. What changes have taken place since the speaker’s grandmother died?
Answer: When the speaker’s grandmother died, so many changes have taken place after her death. Nothing left behind in the house. The house became dark and wild animals used to move inside. Snake and other insects are found in that lonely house. When the speaker was young everything was at its right place, but when her grandmother died everything became scattered, leaving behind an unusual silence.

Question 4. Point out the similes in the poem?
Answer: The poet ‘Kamala Das’ has written about herself and her grandmother in the poem. She had explained that she had spent her childhood days with her grandmother at her house in the same residence. Since her grand-Maa has died, the poet left that house and went to leave somewhere else.

The house has become isolated. In connection with the description, she has the most nicely used similes in the poem such as. “Blood, cold, Loved, My blood turned cold like the moon”, to pear through blind eyes of windows, just listen to the frozen air. All these are similes used in the poem.

Question 5. Give in short the summary of the poem, “My Grandmother’s House”. [B.M.2009A]
Or, Write a short note on the poem, “My Grandmother’s House”.

Answer: Kamala Das is a noted Indo- Anglian poetess. Most of her poems are autobiographical. Love and sex are the dominant themes of her poems. She portrays even the dark side of human passion. ‘My Grandmother’s House’ is an autobiographical poem by Kamala Das. In this poem, the poetess describes how there was a bond of love between her and her grandmother was an abode of love and intimacy.

She enjoyed unrestrained liberty there. Her life there was all happy. After her grandmother’s death snakes started moving among the books and the house itself. The poet was too young to read those books while she was living there.

She now wishes to go there in search of the same freedom and love. She tries to capture them by peeping “through blind eyes of windows or listen to the “frozen air” but in vain. She feels lonely and frustrated. She seeks love at stranger’s door. This is a fine poem. The poet succeeds in conveying her feelings through this small poem. Love according to her, is a rare commodity in the world of today. And it is this loss of love, this irrevocable loss that stifles her heart now. She needs it. She even searches it but it is not to be had anywhere. In evoking such a sentiment of loss, the poem is very significant.

C.3. Composition

(a) Write a letter describing your neighbours to your friend in Delhi. Do not exceed 150 words.

15, Kadam Kuan
July 5, 2009

Dear Pream,
I hope you are enjoying yourself there. You know recently Mr. Sah and his family have come to be our next-door neighbor. They are very kind and disciplined. They live a gentle and straight life. There are great love and understanding among them. They always stand by us in our ups and downs. We share a strong bond among us. We are very fortunate to have such neighbours.

Yours loving
Ashutosh Kumar


Ex. 1. Fill in the blanks, using the appropriate prepositions from the list given below:
into, to, of, in, at, through, among
(i) Grandmother threw the letter……into…. fire.
(ii) My grandmother’s house is…among…. the hills.
(iii) Ramesh died…of… an accident.
(iv) Come……At…… nine in the evening.
(v) The mathematics book is kept…In….. the piles of computer books.
(vi) The grandmother pushed her way……within……. the crowd.
(vii) The grandmother is going…to.. meet the grandfather.
(viii) The Ganga flows……through…. Patna.
(ix) Prabhu is cleared…of… all blames.

About the author

My name is Najir Hussain, I am from West Champaran, a state of India and a district of Bihar, I am a digital marketer and coaching teacher. I have also done B.Com. I have been working in the field of digital marketing and Teaching since 2022

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